Monday, November 23, 2009

The Pregnancy Companion Book

Coming February 2011!
Any woman walking through pregnancy faces a journey paved with anticipation as well as apprehension. During nine months on the rollercoaster of fear and joy, she will devour every piece of information that helps answer her questions and quiet her anxieties. She’ll reference everything from magazine articles to books to websites to every little piece of pregnancy propaganda that graces her mailbox. And although she may seek the Creator of Life who is so obviously responsible for the miracle going on inside of her, she will seldom find God referenced, if at all, in the medical literature.

Halfway through her pregnancy, Jessica Wolstenholm realized that although she rushed to every book sitting on her bookshelf each time she encountered a question or a scary symptom, she never found a sure answer or anything that offered her true peace. The book’s information usually led to further questions or deeper fear. For example, “If you are experiencing cramping,” the book would explain, “it is very normal. However, you could be experiencing a miscarriage so consult your physician.” Even though the information was accurate, it was never balanced by encouragement.

Fortunately for Jessica, she had the benefit of a Christian OB. Dr. Heather Rupe was a wonderful pregnancy companion. Dr. Rupe walked by her side every step of the way through the pregnancy. She answered every question with utmost honesty and accuracy, yet she always had the name of God in her heart and on her lips as a constant reminder that He is the giver of life and the sustainer of all things.

Not all women have the benefit of a Christian OB, but they can have the next best thing in The Pregnancy Companion, which combines the best of both worlds in a Christian doctor who provides valuable information each month and a girlfriend (experienced in both the sorrows and the joys of pregnancy) who knows just what practical help and encouragement is needed at every stage.

Women will find a trusted companion in this valuable book, which contains the same quality medical information as any “expecting” book on the market. But through scripture, reflection, and journaling, they will also find guidance to place their trust in their ultimate Pregnancy Companion. Organized in chapters that follow an expectant mother’s OB appointment schedule, this unique resource will equip women for a faith-filled journey through an informed and joyful pregnancy.

We are currently in the process of completing the manuscript. Thank you for joining us on the journey. Keep checking back for the status of the book.

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