Thursday, August 19, 2010

Should You Put Your Newborn On A Schedule?

As we work through the edits for the book, I am forcing myself to rethink all of the tips and advice we are offering new moms to make sure our suggestions are helpful yet balanced and take different personalities and lifestyles into account. I personally knew from the start that I wanted my baby on a schedule. As I stumbled through those early days of newborn chaos, I learned many things about myself and my baby along the way but at the end of the day, though less rigid than I thought it would be, my daughter thrived on a set schedule, as did I.

So is putting your newborn on a schedule the "right" thing to do? Well that depends on you, the mommy. God has entrusted your little one into your care and He will provide the wisdom and strength you need to parent your child. The Pregnancy Companion will share stories and tips about how a schedule can be helpful in bringing about some sense of order to your life but just as with all things related to parenting, you should take every bit of advice and prayerfully consider if you should and how you should apply it to your baby.

One of the most powerful tools of motherhood is community. Besides prayer, leaning into other moms is one of the best things you can do as you determine what type of approach to take in terms of scheduling. Look at other moms that you trust and observe their methods. Consider moms around you that share your lifestyle and values when it comes to time management and feeding. Perhaps you are not able to breastfeed. Observe moms that you know are bottle-feeding and see what works for them. On the flip side, if you are breastfeeding, your schedule may look a bit different. So much of the early days with a newborn are trial and error. Be gracious with yourself as you figure out what works for you.

I think I say this in the book but there are only a few things in the Bible that would be considered "non-negotiable" when it comes to parenting. Most of the decisions you face will not have a clear-cut right or wrong answer. So lean into God-given wisdom and observe moms you trust and I know you will figure out what's best for your family.

We'd love to hear from our readers what worked for you. We want this blog to be a faith-based community moms and mommies-to-be so please share your wisdom here. We even turned off the log in requirement for comments so it should be super easy for you to chime in now!

No matter what your method, I wish you all peace as you parent your child.


  1. You are so right, each mom and baby are unique. There is no one right answer. I found that for me having a loose schedule helped me. However I followed my baby always. If he was hungrier sooner then I expected, I fed him, etc.

  2. We use the good 'ol BABY WISE book ... it's pretty rigid so we modified it until our daughter was 6 weeks old and actually having " awake " time to implement the method. I love this book b/c their method actually helps your child to have healthy sleep habits and fall asleep on their OWN ... without being rocked or soothed to sleep. That is super helpful when you have had a long day and at 7:30 you can lay your child down and walk away ... and have them drift off to sleep :) great book!!!
