Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pregnant? : Week 2

Today begins week 2 of my "pregnancy". Just to remind you, I'm not actually pregnant yet. Remember, pregnancy begins 2 weeks before you actually conceive.

I had surgery last week to repair an umbilibal hernia they found when I was pregnant with Hope. The doctor told me I needed to have it done before I got pregnant again to ensure it didn't get worse. I was so excited to have this procedure as it was the first step towards baby #2. I came through the surgery just fine only to find out it wasn't actually a hernia. Just a silly benign tumor or something like that. So there was really no need to cut me open. Thanks Dr. Hernia. Next time try doing an ultrasound to confirm your diagnosis. Still, I'm glad to be one step closer to getting pregnant. Now if those ovaries of mine would produce some good eggs this month, maybe I will be pregnant in a few weeks.

I am surprisingly peaceful about the journey this time. Of course I hope it won't take as long this time around, but either way I am so much in love with my little girl and my hubby that months of waiting doesn't seem like such a bad thing. More time to soak up life with Hope.

Here's hoping for good eggs,

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