Wednesday, March 10, 2010

But Wait. . .There's More. . .

You probably thought you were done with my roller coaster ride, didn't you?! It's not quite over yet.

After finding out we were definitely miscarrying, I bled for a week and started to begin feeling more like myself. I was looking forward to this ordeal being over when all of a sudden I began feeling the most horrible pain I have ever felt. I went through the weekend thinking my digestive system was out of whack or my body was just working overtime to release this pregnancy. On Monday morning, after passing out twice from the pain or loss of blood or something, we decided to take a visit to the ER.

My faithful friend and doctor met me there on her day off (so sorry Heather). They did an exam and another ultrasound and discovered that I was experiencing an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Apparently, I had conceived twins. One made it to my uterus but never fully formed. The other implanted in my fallopian tube and began to grow. My tube ruptured and caused all of the pain I had been feeling through the weekend.

I had surgery on Monday afternoon. I felt so at peace knowing I was in Dr. Rupe's capable hands. She did have to remove one of my tubes because the damage was not repairable. It will take about a week to recover from the surgery but I already feel so much better than before.

I am so thankful that God protected me through this experience. This really could have had long term effects on me and my reproductive abilities (as if they weren't damaged enough!). There are moments when I want God to give me a clear answer as to why this was necessary. But I can't make myself crazy wondering why. I just need to trust Him. This will likely prolong the process of our conceiving again. I have a great peace about that as well. He has proven this His timing is perfect so I can't fight that. I must surrender to His sovereignty.

Thanks for joining me on this ride. If nothing else, I hope a glimpse into my experience will show you that life is truly a miracle and that although things don't always go our way, God is loving and faithful and He will carry us through.

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