Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Tears

So today I got to play a part of the most amazing delivery. A beautiful baby boy was born, and as I laid him in his mom’s arms, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. His mom cuddled him and spoke words of love as dad was so teary he could barely see to cut the cord. Dad juggled with several cameras trying to capture the moment, finally giving up hope of a decent picture and just joining in with the happy tears and laughs. Exuberant phone calls followed, then overjoyed grandparents filed in to smother the new addition with kisses. I noticed even the seasoned nursery nurse in the corner, dabbing the corner of her eye.

Every baby born is a miracle, but there is something about this delivery was different. This baby was fought for. The road that this family had to travel was not easy. There were years of infertility, miscarriages and dashed hopes. I had shed tears with them before, but they had been tears of sadness. They preserved, fought and prayed; and here in their arms was the answer to that prayer.

There is nothing more gratifying in my profession then that moment, the miracle of miracles: Not only the miracle of life, but also the answered pray. God’s promises manifested.

It reminds me of Jessica’s journey for Hope and my journey for Carson. They were filled with disappointments, but in the end God’s faithfulness was proven. Not in the timeline we thought, but never the less, in His perfect timing.

So as I ponder this delivery today, I pray for Jessica’s next miracle. Despite her recent setbacks, I stand with her in faith that one day, hopefully soon, we will once again cry tears of joy together.

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