Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Great Pill Debate

Last week was the 50 year anniversary of The Pill. I missed it. I guess I should have celebrated since for me The Pill is the only thing that keeps my hormones in check.

There's always been quite a debate within "the church" about The Pill. Many see it as a form of abortion (don't get Dr. Rupe started on that) while others see it as taking control of your fertility - an act which should be left up to the Creator of life. While I think there is some truth to the fact that we need to allow God His place in the creation of our family, having received legitimate, medical benefits from The Pill, I believe there are several sides to the story.

Like most things, the great Pill debate is not that black and white. More than anything the decision on whether or not to take The Pill needs to be based on the facts (which can be obtained through adequate research, not mommy-blog debates) as well as personal conviction and prayer.

I'm not going to say any more because I don't want anyone to be influenced by MY opinion or circumstances. For me The Pill worked and actually helped. Heck, I'm probably going to be taking The Pill until I hit menopause unless they find some other way to manage PCOS.

Everyone has a story about The Pill. It makes this one crazy and this other one fat. This one got pregnant on it so it probably doesn't even work anyway. Recently, there have been some allegations against it for some who suffered serious affects. If you like a heated debate, visit Girls Gone Wise and read a recent article about The Pill and the many passionate responses it received. If you want to know the facts, refer back to Dr. Rupes Mythbusters post about The Pill and perhaps we'll get her to write some more on it in the near future.

Whatever you decide is best for you in regards to birth control, be confident in your decision. As long as you have peace with God and are in agreement with your spouse, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. . .regarding The Pill or anything else for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. I did not agree with most of the statements in the "girls gone wise" link. It played off many of the misconceptions associated with the pill. The risk of stroke on the pill in a healthy non-smoking individual is <.01% per year. The risk of stroke in pregnancy is actually 10 times higher.

    The lawsuit against Yaz that is referenced, has been shown to have no medical merit.

    Obviously we live in a fallen world. Like it or not, the best way to prevent abortion is to make sure women have adequate access to birth control.
