Friday, November 12, 2010

Speaking of Miracles. . .

I hope you all were encouraged by Dr. Rupe's amazing adoption story. I lived through it with her yet I still get chills every time we talk about it. What an amazing reminder that sometimes the Lord allows us to wait for things so that he will get the most glory when it finally comes about the way he chooses. What a miracle story!

Speaking of miracles. . .Remember how I was believing that I would conceive this month even though, medically it was a long shot? The main reason I felt the grace to believe for such a thing was because of the faith of a friend. A couple of weeks ago I met Heather (sorry, I just can't call her Dr. Rupe when talking so personally about our friendship) and our friend Donna for dinner. It was right after the appointment I wrote about where my eggs were on the wrong side (remember I only have one tube after my ectopic pregnancy) and I was asked to pay out the wazooo for fertility treatments that didn't work. I was at a low point on my journey and I truly felt like I wanted to give up. I shared the update with Donna and Heather. Both were very sweet and encouraging but it was Heather's response that changed everything. Here she was. . .not only my friend but my doctor as well and she said, "That's no big deal. Your tubes can flop around. I really feel like this is THE month." Did my OB really just tell me that maybe I could conceive against all odds? It was like a shot in the arm. . .both the reassurance of the slight medical possibility and my sweet friend believing when I didn't think I could believe any longer.

I left that dinner feeling so hopeful. More hopeful than I had been when the eggs where on the right side. So I began to pray and ask the Lord for the near impossible (but not completely impossible according to my doc). I started to realize that if he did allow me conceive against the odds like this, it would surely bring more glory to him. Having a story like that would make all the waiting and the pain worth it.

So this is it. . .the post I've been waiting all year to write. I am pregnant!! Although we remain guarded having been through all we've been through in the past, our main hurdle has been cleared: that little bugger safely made it to my uterus (as was confirmed on an early ultrasound yesterday). I'm only 5 weeks along and perhaps I'm crazy to be sharing this news so soon but I feel like you all have walked faithfully with me through this journey so I'm committed to share all of it with you. I appreciate your prayers as we wait in hope for the next milestones: hearing a heartbeat in a week or so and getting through the first trimester. We are guarded yet we believe that he will be faithful to continue this miracle.

So once again I am reminded that sometimes he asks us to wait for things so he can bring them about his way. I am truly honored that he would use me and my story to bring glory to himself.

May you see his glory in your own life this season.


  1. What timing! Congratulations! So happy for you and praying for you!

  2. Hooray!! Loved reading this joyous news. Thanks for sharing, Jessica!

  3. I love this part of the story! And I love you! Congratulations! Can't wait to me her or him when they arrive :)

  4. I have no idea how I missed this! This is incredible, Jess! Praise the Lord- He is amazing!! I will be praying for you and the baby.

  5. Hi Jessica!! I just got caught up on your blog... this is wonderful news!! I am 9 weeks today so I'm only a little bit ahead of you :)
    I'll be bathing our little ones in prayer!
    Blessings and hope to see you soon... Maribeth
